
eBook - The whole truth about a cheap, proven and safe drug that could debunk the idea of vaccines as the only solution against Covid-19

Erschienen am 10.10.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9789877446494
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 40 S., 0.88 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


Specialists have placed ivermectin on the drug podium, along with penicillin and aspirin. Its discoverers and developers received a Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2015, and until 2020 there seemed to be a worldwide consensus about the benefits of this naturally-occurring component. More than 300 million people from the world's poorest countries take ivermectin annually, either as a treatment or as a prophylaxis. The outbreak of Covid-19 put ivermectin in the headlines all over the world. Thousands of doctors in different countries claim that its use (sometimes combined with vitamins and other drugs) is an effective early treatment against the coronavirus and dozens of clinical trials carried out support this position. What would happen if we found that Ivermectin is an effective treatment or preventive method against Covid-19 and that it was rejected to favor the massive vaccination?


Medical specialist, consultant to the program for the communities of the Intenational Federation in conflict zones. He served as a border volunteer for more than 15 years. His vast experience provides a concise and professional perspective on global medical problems.


1.Satoshi Omura, Discoverer and Nobel Prize Winner: Censored2.Ivermectin, Product of a Tireless and Meticulous Search3.Use in Humans: Onchocerciasis and Elephantiasis4.The Kitasato Institute and the Free Distribution of Ivermectin5.The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and the "Gold Standard"6.A Drug with Practically no Adverse Effects7."Dont mention Ivermectin, itll upset the vaccine rollout"8.Covid 19, a "Highly Treatable" Virus9.Ivermectin as an Answer to the "African Miracle"

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