eBook - How to respond quickly when your child is in danger

Erschienen am 01.02.2015, 1. Auflage 2015
1,49 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9789873788345
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 50 S., 2.64 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


This guide is essential to learn the basics notions and act correctly in an emergency. It will provide you with the key knowledge to assist children in all types of accidents and to learn how to wait for paramedics in the best conditions. You will also learn why proper care during the first minutes after an accident can mean the difference between life and death.


Prestigious specialist in first aid, consultant for the program for communities of the International Federation in conflict zones. He served as border volunteer for over 15 years. His vast experience gives us a concise and professional look at how to deal with accidents and emergencies immediately.


-Introduction-General Steps for Highway accidentes-Evaluation of pulse-Activate he medical emergency system-Find out what happened-Analyze the context-Ingress of foreing objects-Convulsiones-Traumas-Traumas in children-Burns-Step to follow in case of inuries-Hemorrhage-Steps to treat a hemorrhage-Cardiopulmonary resuscitationInfants up to 1 yearChildren over 8 years old and adults-Choking or asphyxia-Scenes and situationsElectrocutionHeat StrokesHypothermia-Medical emergenciesHeart attackStrokesAsthmatic CrisesFainting and Loss of ConsciousnessHypoglycemiaBone Fractures-Environmental EmergenciesBitesAllergic ReactionsStingsIngestion of Toxic Elements-Preventing Accidents-How to prevent the most commun accidents0 to 6 months6 months to 1 year old1 to 2 years old2 to 5 years old5 to 12 years old-General Recommendatios-Lower Respiratory Infections-Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)-Recommended first aid kit-Uses of the first aid kit-Instructions for the right use of the first aid kit

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