Christina, Book 1: Twins Born as Light

eBook - Book 1 of the 'Christina' book series, Christina

Erschienen am 19.01.2019, 1. Auflage 2019
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783905831542
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 285 S., 11.76 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Book 1 of the best selling book series about Christina von Dreien now in English translation:Christina (born 2001) is a young woman from Toggenburg, Switzerland. She was born with greatly expanded consciousness and thus belongs to a new generation of young evolutionary thinkers who recognise, describe and live human existence as a complexity of quantum physics, neuropsychology and spirituality. She has always shown remarkable insight into today's world events and one cannot help but be astonished by her high ethics, her wisdom and inner peace that hint at a new dimension of being human.Without being overchallenged in any way, Christina displays a completely natural handling of a multitude of paranormal gifts such as multi-dimensional perception, aura perception, clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, contact with other levels of existence, animal and plant communication and the like. From birth, she has also been consciously connected to higher dimensional spheres and civilisations of light.A harbinger of a new stage in human evolution, Christina, together with her twin sister Elena, incarnated on Earth to spread light and peace. She says, "The lights are already here, all over the world. It just needs someone to press the 'On' button."The first book tells the story of Christina's extraordinary birth, childhood and youth up to the age of 16, from the perspective of her mother, Bernadette. For Christina, it was a time of becoming accustomed to three-dimensionality, of being trained and tested in order to prepare herself for her life's task. Christina summarises this task with the three core concepts of freedom, truth and love.


Bernadette von Dreien (born 1972 in Switzerland; legal name Bernadette Meier) was a top Swiss athlete and is now a naturopath, specialising in Traditional European Naturopathy (TEN). She is the author of the best selling "Christina" book series which describes the story of her extraordinary daughter Christina (born 2001) who was born with greatly expanded consciousness and thus belongs to a new generation of young evolutionary thinkers who recognise, describe and live human existence as a complexity of quantum physics, neuropsychology and spirituality. She currently lives in the village of Dreien in the Swiss canton of St. Gallen.

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