Dive Computers - Insights for Divers & Professionals


Erschienen am 28.08.2014, 2. Auflage 2014
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783737506168
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 158 S., 8.32 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


From the times of the dive tables the promising marketing statement is well known: Our xyz-tables are much more conservative than others. Also dive computers and simulation software for PC and/or tablet assert such claim. What does this suggest and is promised to the diver?Counterproductive to those statements are so-called "product recalls" feared by us as consumers, from which dive computers are not spared. And even the mathematical equations of dive computers the algorithms face marked criticism, especially regarding their validation: Have they been tested in real "wet" dives, and if so, how?In this eBook dive computers are evaluated how they perform in the field, specifics of various algorithms are unveiled without pestering the reader with mathematics, and finally some dreams of the future are outlined, to overcome the shortcomings of present-day dive computers. The preliminary assessment of the author is: Today's wrist worn dive computer gadgets have no future but there are alternatives.Those who are unsure about a clear answer on the following questions should grasp this eBook and reserve some fun time reading it: Q1: What exactly are "deep stops" and what are pros and cons? Q2: Is the Buhlmann ZH-L16C dive computer model really from Professor Bühlmann? Q3: The RGBM model by Bruce Wienke is better than the VPM model or isn't it? Q4: An ascent rate of 2 feet / 6 meters per minute is certainly better than 6 feet / 18 meters per minute and easily to accomplish. Correct? Q5: The primary feature of dive computers should be: They need to be yellow! What? Yellow!?In this eBook author Wolfgang Wild is sharing his long history of experience with the reader which he gained in the training of virtually thousands of both divers and diving instructors worldwide.This eBook is aimed at divers and diving professionals of all diver training associations.Available for iphone, kindle, kobo, sony reader, tolino and tablets in multiple formats.


On initial underwater breathing experiences, while working as a student during semester breaks in public pools, the author got "hooked", and started his career towards a scuba instructor of several associations, including the instructor trainer level. Special diving favorites have been the Maldives, Kenya, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean, and Mexico's fascinating "cenotes". Underwater photography and video are the author's special challenge, with plentiful footage of manta rays, whale sharks and other creatures like the curious octopus or the bustling mantis shrimp filling the author's PC hard disks. Apart from training divers and diving instructors the author has been translating numerous diving related publications into German; he holds various university credentials and lives in Germany.

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