The Power of Geography

eBook - Ten Maps that Reveal the Future of Our World - the sequel to Prisoners of Geography, Tim Marshall on Geopolitics

Erschienen am 22.04.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781783965380
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 272 S., 11.67 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In his gripping new book The Future of Geography: How Power and Politics in Space Will Change Our World, Marshall digs deep into the past, present and future of the new 'astropolitics' that are set to change the face of life on Earth. Available to PRE-ORDER NOW in hardback, ebook and audio - out 27th April 2023*THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER*'I can't imagine reading a better book this year' Daily MirrorTim Marshall's global bestseller Prisoners of Geography showed how every nation's choices are limited by mountains, rivers, seas and concrete. Since then, the geography hasn't changed. But the world has.In this revelatory new book, Marshall explores ten regions that are set to shape global politics in a new age of great-power rivalry: Australia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UK, Greece, Turkey, the Sahel, Ethiopia, Spain and Space. Find out why Europe's next refugee crisis is closer than it thinks as trouble brews in the Sahel; why the Middle East must look beyond oil and sand to secure its future; why the eastern Mediterranean is one of the most volatile flashpoints of the twenty-first century; and why the Earth's atmosphere is set to become the world's next battleground.Delivered with Marshall's trademark wit and insight, this is a lucid and gripping exploration of the power of geography to shape humanity's past, present and future.'Another outstanding guide to the modern world. Marshall is a master at explaining what you need to know and why.' Peter Frankopan


Tim Marshall is a leading authority on foreign affairs with more than 30 years of reporting experience. He was diplomatic editor at Sky News, and before that was working for the BBC and LBC/IRN radio. He has reported from 40 countries and covered conflicts in Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Israel. He is the author of the No. 1 Sunday Times bestsellers Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps that Tell You Everything You Need to Know About Global Politics and The Power of Geography: Ten Maps that Reveal the Future of Our World; the illustrated edition Prisoners of Geography: Our World Explained in Twelve Simple Maps, shortlisted for Waterstones Book of the Year; as well as Divided: Why We're Living in an Age of Walls; Worth Dying For: The Power and Politics of Flags; and Shadowplay: Behind the Lines and Under Fire.

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