The German War

eBook - A Nation Under Arms, 1939-45

Erschienen am 03.09.2015, 1. Auflage 2015
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781473523739
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 736 S., 25.17 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Nicht vorhanden



The Second World War was a German war like no other. The Nazi regime, having started the conflict, turned it into the most horrific war in European history, resorting to genocidal methods well before building the first gas chambers. Over its course, the Third Reich expended and exhausted all its moral and physical reserves, leading to total defeat in 1945. Yet 70 years on despite whole libraries of books about the wars origins, course and atrocities we still do not know what Germans thought they were fighting for and how they experienced and sustained the war until the bitter end.

When war broke out in September 1939, it was deeply unpopular in Germany. Yet without the active participation and commitment of the German people, it could not have continued for almost six years. What, then, was the war Germans thought they were fighting? How did the changing course of the conflict the victories of theBlitzkrieg, the first defeats in the east, the bombing of Germanys cities change their views and expectations? And when did Germans first realise that they were fighting a genocidal war?

Drawing on a wealth of first-hand testimony,The German Waris the first foray for many decades into how the German people experienced the Second World War. Told from the perspective of those who lived through it soldiers, schoolteachers and housewives; Nazis, Christians and Jews its masterful historical narrative sheds fresh and disturbing light on the beliefs, hopes and fears of a people who embarked on, continued and fought to the end a brutal war of conquest and genocide.


Professor Nicholas Stargardtis one of Britain's foremost scholars of Nazi Germany. He teaches Modern European History at Magdalen College, Oxford, and is the author ofWitnesses of War: Children's Lives under the Nazis(Jonathan Cape, 2005).


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