Development Theory


Erschienen am 18.09.2009, 1. Auflage 2009
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781446242186
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 272 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


"This exciting book is atour de force, spanning a broad range of approaches to development. It does not stop at critique, as so many previous books on these issues have done, but offers a unique perspective on future possibilities and the shape of things to come. It should be essential reading on all development studies courses".
-Andrea Cornwall, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex

Praise for the previous edition:

"This marvellous book should be read by every social scientist interested in development studies".
-Keith Griffin, University of California, Riverside

This is the second edition of this successful book. Written by one of the leading authorities in the field, it:

Situates students in the expanding field of development theory.Provides an unrivalled guide to the strengths and weaknesses of competing theoretical approaches.Explains key concepts.Examines the shifts in theory.Offers an agenda for the future.

Jan Nederveen brings together a huge range of experience and knowledge about the relationship between the economically advanced and the emerging, developing nations.


Trends in Development Theory
Development in Question
The Status of Development Theory
Meanings of Development over Time
Development Is Struggle
The Development Field
Trends in Development Theory
Dilemmas of Development Discourse: The Crisis of Developmentalism and the Comparative Method
From Evolutionism to Development
Development as Redemption
The Crisis of Developmentalism
From Bipolarity to Polycentrism
The Deconstruction of the West
The Development of Development Theory: Towards Critical Globalism
Notions of Change
Development Theories in the Plural
Modernization Revisited
Critical Globalism
Delinking or Globalization?
The Cultural Turn in Development: Questions of Power
National Culture
Local Culture
Add Culture and Stir
Development and Cultural Liberty
My Paradigm or Yours? Variations on Alternative Development
Alternative Development
Alternative Development Paradigm
Paradigm Politics
Mainstream Development
After Post-Development
Problematizing Poverty
Critique of Modernism and Science
Development as Discourse
Alternatives to Development
Dichotomic Thinking
Politics of Post-Development
Equity and Growth Revisited: From Human Development to Social Development
Social Development
Redistribution with Growth
Lessons of East Asia
Human Development
Lessons of Welfare States
Social Capital
Critical Holism and the Tao of Development
Remedying Remedies
Wholeness, Holism
Contradictions of Modernity
Development and High Modernism
Shortcuts and Other Remedies
Towards the Tao of Development
Digital Capitalism and Development: The Unbearable Lightness of ICT4D
Bridging the Digital Divide
ICT4D as a Package Deal
Digital Capitalism? Cyber Utopia
ICT4D and Development Studies
ICT4D and Development Policy
Futures of Development
Futures of Development Thinking
Development as Collective Learning
Reflexive Modernity, Reflexive Development
Twenty-First Century Globalization and Development
Twenty-First Century Globalization
Turning Points
New Development Era
Development Pluralism
International Development Cooperation
After the Crisis

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