Ethnicities and Global Multiculture

eBook - Pants for an Octopus

Erschienen am 15.03.2007, 1. Auflage 2007
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780742578944
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 254 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Arguing that ethnicity and multiculturalism are essential for understanding globalization, Jan Nederveen Pieterse offers one of the first sustained treatments of the reach of these key forces beyond a limited national context. He shows that multiethnicity preceded the nation-state by millennia; but argues that states, feeling the threat to their national identities, seek to control or suppress it. Contemporary multiculturalism, another attempt to regulate multiethnicity, is a work in progress in which dramas of global inequality are played out. This groundbreaking book adopts a kaleidoscopic and comparative-historical perspective that intertwines strands of social science and western and non-western research as a strategy to overcome the disciplinary and regional fragmentation of most discussions. Moving beyond worn notions of ethnicity and multiculturalism, Nederveen Pieterse proposes ethnicities and global multiculture as alternative, wide-angle perspectives on cultural diversity. Global multiculture, he convincingly demonstrates, offers a fresh account of layered cultural dynamics amid accelerated globalization.


Jan Nederveen Pieterse is Mellichamp Professor of Global Studies and Sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara.


Chapter 1: Ethos and Ethnos
Chapter 2: Deconstructing/Reconstructing Ethnicity
Chapter 3: Social Capital and Migration: Beyond Ethnic Economies
Chapter 4: Many Doors to Multiculturalism
Chapter 5: Politics of Boundaries: Ethnicities, Multiculturalisms
Chapter 6: Multiculturalism and Museums: Representing Others in the Age of Globalization
Chapter 7: Islam and Cosmopolitanism
Chapter 8: Global Multiculture, Flexible Acculturation
Conclusion: Global Multiculture

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