A Subtle and Mysterious Machine

eBook - The Medical World of Walter Charleton (1619-1707), Studies in History and Philosophy of Science

Erschienen am 20.01.2006, 1. Auflage 2006
173,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781402033780
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 298 S., 1.32 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Walter Charleton is an intriguing characterhe flits through the diaries of Pepys and Evelyn, the correspondence of Margaret Cavendish, and his texts appear in the libraries of better-known contemporaries. We catch sight of him 1 conversing with Pepys about teeth, arguing with Inigo Jones about the origin of 2 Stonehenge, being lampooned in contemporary satire, stealing from the Royal Society, and embarrassing himself in anatomical procedures. While extremely active in a broad range of Royal Society investigations, his main discovery there seems to have been that tadpoles turned into frogs. As a practising physician of limited means, Walter Charleton was reliant for his living upon patrons and his medical practicein addition he had the m- fortune to live in an era of dramatic political change, and consequently of unpredictable fortune. His achievements were known on the Continent. Despite his embarrassments in Royal Society anatomical investigation he was offered the prestigious chair of anatomy at the University of Padua. He turned down this extraordinary opportunity, only to die destitute in his native country a couple of decades later. The lugubrious doctor is without doubt an enigma. Charletons Anglicanism and staunch Royalism were unwavering throughout his career. The latter caused difficulties for him when he attempted to gain membership of the College of Physicians during the interregnum. His religious views were a source of concern when he was offered the position at Padua.


Rewriting Walter Charleton: Physick and Natural Philosophy.- The Alembic of Our Pen: Charletons Identity as a Physician.- The Animal Oeconomy: Natural History (1659) in the Context of English Physiology.- The Republick of Letters: Charletons Identity in the Royal Society& College of Physicians.- Enquiries Into Human Nature (1680): Charletons Anatomy and Physiology After the Royal Society.- Three Anatomic Lectures (1683): Ways of Knowing and the Anatomical Body.- Conclusions.

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