The Screwed Up Life of Charlie The Second


Erschienen am 06.04.2010, 1. Auflage 2010
23,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780758263476
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 272 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Sometimes, it's just easier to think I'm not the freak. I'm just in an alien world. . .

Being Charles James Stewart, Jr., AKA Charlie the Second, means never "fitting in." Tall, gangly and big-eared, he could be a poster boy for teenage geeks. An embarrassment to his parents (he's not too crazy about them, either), Charlie is a virtual untouchable at his high school, where humiliation is practically an extracurricular activity. Charlie has tried to fit in, but all of his efforts fail on a glorious, monumental scale. He plays soccer--mainly to escape his home life--but isn't accepted by his teammates who basically ignore him on the field. He still confuses the accelerator with the brake pedal and as a result, has not only failed his driving exam six times, but also almost killed himself and his driving instructor. He can't work on his college essay without writing a searing tell-all. But what's freaking Charlie out the most is that while his hormones are raging and his peers are pairing off, he remains alone with his fantasies.

But all of this is about to change when a new guy at school begins to liven things up on the soccer team--and in Charlie's life. For the first time in his seventeen years, Charlie will learn how it feels to be a star, well, at least off the field. But Charlie discovers that even cool guys have problems as he embarks on a deliciously sexy, risk-filled journey from which there is no turning back. . .

The Screwed Up Life of Charlie the Second is a funny, honest and engaging book, told with attitude and style. Drew Ferguson is a talented writer with great comic timing, and an eye for the absurd." --Bart Yates, author ofThe Brothers BishopandThe Distance Between Us

"Drew Ferguson's debut novel is equally funny and smart, and will strike eerily familiar chords in anyone who remembers the edgy, frustrating, sex-obsessed days and nights of high school. You'll love his narrator, Charlie, and you'll also love this book." --Scott Heim, author ofMysterious SkinandWe Disappear

"Look out Napoleon Dynamite, here comes Charlie the Second! In this page-turning laugh riot, Drew Ferguson captures the voice of Today's Teen conquering the daily drudge that is Life in the Midwest. Colorfully candid, unapologetically explicit, yet touchingly tender,The Screwed Up Life of Charlie the Secondserves as a reminder to those who've escaped from Small Town USA as to the reasons why!" --Frank Anthony Polito, author ofBand Fags!

"A terrific debut novel. Drew Ferguson is one of the most authentic new voices in contemporary fiction." --Steve Kluger, author ofAlmost Like Being in Love

"Written in a fact-paced diary format, Ferguson has created a beautiful and moving novel that literally has you laughing out loud one moment and shedding tears the next." --Arthur Wooten, author ofOn Picking Fruit andFruit Cocktail

"Lots of blurbs in lots of books promise "laugh-out-loud hilarity." This book delivers. With Charlie the Second, Drew Ferguson has created a memorable and original character undergoing the perils, confusion, and humiliation of adolescence. Between onanistic sexcapades that would make Alexander Portnoy blush,The Screwed Up Life of Charlie the Second is an engagingly accurate portrayal of the highs and lows of growing up and figuring out who you are." --Brian Costello, author ofThe Enchanters vs. Sprawlburg Springs

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