HENRY BERGSON Premium Collection

eBook - Laughter, Time and Free Will, Creative Evolution, Dreams & Meaning of the War & Dreams (From the Renowned Nobel Prize Winning Author & Philosopher)

Erschienen am 16.12.2023, 1. Auflage 2023
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547754640
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 533 S., 0.84 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Henri Bergson's 'HENRI BERGSON Premium Collection' is a comprehensive collection of the influential philosopher's works, including 'Creative Evolution,' 'Time and Free Will,' and 'Matter and Memory.' Bergson's writing style is characterized by its clarity, depth, and poetic richness, making his complex philosophical ideas accessible to a wide audience. The collection covers a range of topics such as the nature of consciousness, the concept of time, and the relationship between mind and matter. Bergson's emphasis on intuition and experience rather than pure intellect sets him apart from other philosophers of his time, making his works a fascinating read for anyone interested in exploring the nature of reality. The collection serves as a valuable resource for understanding Bergson's philosophical ideas and their impact on modern thought. Scholars and students of philosophy will find this collection essential for gaining insights into Bergson's unique perspective on the world.


Henri Bergson was a French philosopher and writer renowned for his contributions to modern thought, especially regarding duration, memory, and creativity. Born on October 18, 1859, he distinguished himself not only through his philosophical insights but also through a compelling literary style that fused metaphysics with psychology and biology. Bergson's philosophical endeavors are epitomized in the works within the 'HENRY BERGSON Premium Collection', which captures the essence of his exploration into the nature of reality and perception. A seminal work in this collection is 'Creative Evolution', which introduces his conception of life and evolution as a dynamic process, a stark contrast to the mechanistic views prevalent during his time. Bergson's 'Time and Free Will' is another groundbreaking text wherein he delves into the idea of duration and how it relates to human freedom, arguing against the quantification of time as merely a succession of measurable units. 'Matter and Memory' further cements his reputation as it investigates the relationship between mind and body, offering insightful perspectives on memory and perception. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1927, Bergson's influence extended beyond philosophy into literature and science, capturing the imagination of intellectuals of his era and beyond. His rich language and profound understanding of the complexities of consciousness have left an indelible mark on 20th-century thought.

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