Barbara Blomberg


Erschienen am 20.11.2020, 1. Auflage 2020
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 4064066386580
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 504 S., 2.03 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Barbara Blombergis a historical novel set in medieval Europe, telling the tale of young German singer who managed to caught an eye of the great Emperor Charles V. "Yet many long minutes elapsed ere he noticed the dish, though it was one of his favourite viands. Barbara's song stirred the imperial lover of music at the nocturnal banquet just as it had thrilled the great musicians a few hours before. He thought that he had never heard anything more exquisite, and when the Benedictio Mensa: died away he clasped his sister's hand, raised it two or three times to his lips, and thanked her with such affectionate warmth that she blessed the accomplishment of her happy idea, and willingly forgot the unpleasant moments she had just undergone. Now, as if completely transformed, he wished to be told who had had the lucky thought of summoning his orchestra and her boy choir, and how the plan had been executed; and when he had heard the story, he fervently praised the delicacy of feeling and true sportsmanlike energy of her strong and loving woman's heart. This time it gave the most beautiful portion of Joscluin de Pres's hymn to the Virgin, "Ecce tupulchraes"; and when Barbara's "Quia amore langueo" reached his ear and heart with its love-yearning melody, he nodded to his sister with wondering delight, and then listened, as if rapt from the world, until the last notes of the motet died away."


Georg Ebers (1837-1898) was a German Egyptologist and novelist. He is best known for his discovery of the Ebers Papyrus, one of the oldest medical documents in the world. Ebers early conceived the idea of popularizing Egyptian lore by means of historical romances. His first novel, An Egyptian Princess, obtained a great success. His subsequent works of the same kind were also well received, and did much to make the public familiar with the discoveries of Egyptologists. Ebers also turned his attention to other fields of historical fiction especially the 16th century.

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