Molecular Nanomagnets

eBook - Fundamental Understanding, SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology

Eriksson, Olle/Brena, Barbara/Herper, Heike C et al
Erschienen am 28.03.2020, 1. Auflage 2020
62,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9789811537196
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 2.86 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book focuses on 3d transition metal centered phthalocyanine molecules and their deposition on different substrates. Phthalocyanines are an ideal prototype since they can be grown flat on many surfaces. It highlights the molecule-substrate interaction and its influence on the magnetic and spectroscopic properties of the molecules as well as the influence of ligands reviewing both experiential and theoretical data.  Since experimental setups differ and approximations in theory vary and can influence the result, a substantial part is dedicated to a thorough discussion of the different experimental and computational methods from the point of view of reliability and predictive power.


Heike Herper is a researcher in the Division of Materials Theory at Uppsala University, Sweden. Her research focuses on the investigation of magnetic materials reaching from bulk to molecules deposited on metals aiming to identify new candidates for applications, in particular to find non-hazardous replacement materials for existing permanent magnets.

Barbara Brena is a researcher in the Division of Materials Theory at Uppsala University, Sweden. Her research focuses on electronic structure calculations, in particular she is interested in modeling soft x-ray spectroscopies of organic molecular materials, which are hot candidates for novel and environmental friendly technologies.

Carla Puglia is an Associate Professor in the division of Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics at Uppsala University, Sweden. Her research focus is on Many-body effects and excitonic features in materials.

Heiko Wende is a Professor and Head of the Magnetic Nanostructures group at theUniversity of Duisburg-Essen. His research interests are in the area of Magnetic molecules; Magnetic Nanoparticles; Magnetic thin films and heterostructures.

Olle Eriksson is a Professor in the Division of Materials Theory at Uppsala University, Sweden. His research interests are in first principles calculations of bulk and surfaces, including magnetism and chemical bonding.

Biplab Sanyal is currently and Associate Professor in the Division of Materials Theory at Uppsala University, Sweden. His research interests are in the area of material structures. To his credit he has over 200 publications and 70 invited talks. He is a member of IEEE and the American Physical Society.


1. Introduction.- 2. Experimental techniques.- 3. Theoretical methods.- 4. Electronic structure of isolated molecules.- 5. Electron correlation and spin transition.- 6. Interaction with substrates.- 7. Inuence of ligands.- 8. Applications.

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