Gas Explosion Technology and Biomass Refinery


Erschienen am 05.11.2015, 1. Auflage 2015
173,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9789401774147
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 8.64 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The book introduces gas explosion technology (GET) and its applications in biomass refineries. In this book an overview of GET is provided, the mechanisms are thoroughly discussed. The chapters also cover the latest processes and equipments of GET, including equipment selection, parameter determination and engineering scaling-up. Last but not least the applications of GET are introduced in details. It is an excellent reference and guidance for scientists engaging in the research of biomass and biotechnology. Professor Hongzhang Chen is the Vice Director and Supervisor of the State Key Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering at the Institute of Process Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Prof. Hongzhang Chen is working as the vice director and the supervisor of State Key Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering, as well as in editorial board of the Chinese Journal of Process Engineering. Prof. Chen is the chief scientist of National Basic Research Program of China and the chief scientist of the Innovative Engineering Program Biomass and Solid-state Fermentation, which is supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof. Chens research focuses on Ecological Biochemical Engineering and Cellulose Biotechnology. Currently the research explores new types of solid-state fermentation techniques, devices and processes, and clean fractionation using steam explosion techniques for efficient pretreatment in cellulose conversion to useful biorenewable materials, chemicals and biofuels. All the fields mentioned above are supported by the National Basic Research Program (973 Program), the National High Technology Research and Development Program ("863"Program), National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key Technology R&D Program, CAS Innovation Program, and so on. Prof. Chen and his group have published more than 150 papers in the peer reviewed internal and international scientific journals and 7 books, have applied 120 invention patents of China and 3 international invention patents (authorized 50, 1 USA patent). Noteworthy, about 10 patents have been industrialized.


Introduction.- Principles of Gas Explosion Technology.- Unit Operations of Gas Explosion Technology.- Process Development of Gas Explosion Technology.- Characterization and Determinations of Gas-Exploded Materials.- Applications of Gas Explosion Technology in Biomass Refinery.- Conclusion

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