Fundamentals of the Interrogation Techniques


Erschienen am 30.06.2008, 1. Auflage 2008
57,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9789351288077
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 74 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Quality interrogation is an essential ingredient of any investigation. Unfortunately it also happens to be the most neglected aspect of any investigating process owing to certain extraneous considerations. Firstly the Interrogator himself is a tearing hurry to claim the kudos for the speedy results. Equally responsible is the media, both print and visual who it appears, at times, suffer from the breaking news syndrome. Public too could be blamed who suffer form the insatiable appetite for instant results. All these infirmities adversely affect the investigation which result in the miscarriage of justice since any faulty investigation can never withstand the judicial scrutiny by a court of law. Possibility of an innocent person going behind the bar cannot be ruled out if any investigation has been built up on ill conceived prejudices and bias. There are hardly any books on interrogation techniques except for out-dated manuals available with various departments engaged in the investigation of criminal or civilian offences. The author has vast experience of interrogation techniques first as a Brigade Intelligence Officer in a committed infantry Brigade opposite Pakistan and then in the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, Central Economic Intelligence Bureau and anti-smuggling preventive customs commissionerate in Mumbai for over two decades. The statistics in relation to the economic offences scenario on India have been incorporated courtesy Directorate of Revenue Intelligence and Narcotics Control Bureau. The language of the book is simple but lyrical which can mould any raw officer into a model interrogator. The interrogation basically being the battle of wits, the usefulness of the book to police and various other intelligence agencies of the Government Department cannot be over-emphasized.


Satya Pratap Singh was born in a remote village of Banda district now carved out as Chitrakoot district in U.P. He obtained his Master Degree in Sociology from the Sagar University of Madhya Pradesh. Shri Singh was commissioned in the Jammu& Kashmir Rifles in the year 1964 and served in NEFA (now Arunchal Pradesh ) and in J& K. It was as Brigade Intelligence Officer opposite Pakistan where he was assigned the tough task of interrogating the infiltrators sneaking into India from across the border. Shri Singh a qualified Commando form the college of combat MHOW also did an intelligence curse form the Intelligence Bureau. After switching over to a civilian career in the Indian Revenue Service in the year 1971, Shri Singh also served in the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, Central Economic Intelligence Bureau and anti-smuggling commissionerate of the Mumbai Customs. The President of India was pleased to award Shri Singh the appreciation certificate for his meritorious and exceptionally distinguished record of service on the eve of Republic Day in the year 1997.

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