Aquiles... a curious straight


Erschienen am 26.10.2020, 1. Auflage 2020
6,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9788468552293
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 262 S., 0.62 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


Aquiles is an upper-middle-class man in his mid-40s. He shares his days with Marina, his wife, with whom he is deeply in love and enjoys full sexuality devoid of prejudices. He has a very active routine between the gym, work, and sports, sharing his leisure time with his three childhood friends and their families.His life goes on pleasantly and away from any conflict that may disturb him. Until, an unexpected situation will provoke a shock wave in his structure and aroused his curiosity, which will lead him to travel unknown walking trails and to discover that there are relationships that go beyond those established by social doctrines and by the cultural mandates within which he moves.From that moment on, Aquiles will begin to sharpen his attention to situations that had gone unnoticed until then. Even with the qualms imposed by his heterosexual male structure, he will try to open his head to understand that nothing is what it seems and that maybe there is another type of pleasure that, until now, he has never experienced or imagined.


Gonzalo Narvreón was born in Buenos Aires in 1963. He had his first approach to writing during his high school studies, where he studied Publicity, focusing specifically on the writing of advertising texts.After studying at the University of Buenos Aires and obtaining his degree in Architecture, he wrote some notes for magazines and later, while studying a postgraduate course, he wrote several research papers.He was devoted to developing his profession, but he kept what may have been his true vocation, which only surfaced from time to time when he wrote short stories that were published on certain Internet sites.Motivated by the comments of his readers, he decided to compile the written material and chose to focus the story on a subject not much traveled within the erotic narrative. This is how born "Flying south" which was the first novel, followed by "The men next door" and then by "Lifting the veils" completing a trilogy that he called "STORIES OF A MARRIED MAN" in which its protagonist, is a bisexual married man.The critics about the written novels were motivating, and stories and revealing comments began to emerge from an infinite number of readers who saw themselves reflected in the experiences lived by the protagonist of "STORIES OF A MARRIED MAN" and many others, who feeling the internal fire that devoured them, had not yet given themselves permission to experience what their nature demanded of them.Unexpectedly, this material was the genesis of "Aquiles" who would become the protagonist of the second saga, which began with "Aquiles... a curious straight" and continued with "Aquiles and his chained tiger" - "Aquiles, breaking chains" and "Aquiles, releasing moorings".The author is currently working on the English translation of both sagas, and the first of the Aquiles saga "Aquiles... a curious straight" is already available.

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