The Complete Novels of Charlotte, Emily & Anne Brontë - 8 Books in One Edition

eBook - Janey Eyre, Shirley, Villette, The Professor, Emma, Wuthering Heights & The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

Erschienen am 15.11.2017, 1. Auflage 2017
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9788027231041
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 1120 S., 3.24 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In 'The Complete Novels of Charlotte, Emily& Anne Brontë - 8 Books in One Edition,' readers are presented with a profound exploration of themes such as unyielding femininity, societal constraints, and the ebbs of emotional and moral resilience. The anthology traverses the narrative styles from gothic eeriness to raw realism, showcasing the distinct yet harmonious voices of the Brontë sisters. This compendium not only pools their major works but also serves as a chronological gaze into the evolution of their writing and the intensifying depth of their thematic explorations. Reflecting a wide range of emotions and experiences, each novel invites the reader into deeply textured worlds crafted with poignant introspection and sharp social commentary. The Brontë sisters, hailing from the rugged moors of Yorkshire, brought forth novels that stood at the vanguard of the 19th-century literary scene, challenging contemporary norms and pushing the boundaries of the novel form. Participating in and propelling the rise of the woman novelist, their works collectively delineate the contours of female experience and ambition amidst the strictures of Victorian England. This collection harmonizes their unique talents and viewpoints into a rich mosaic of nineteenth-century life, reflecting both their individual and collective literary genius. 'The Complete Novels of Charlotte, Emily& Anne Brontë' offers a unique window into the variegated tapestry of early Victorian literature through the lens of three pioneering women writers. It invites literary aficionados and new readers alike to dive deep into the tumultuous yet captivating Brontë universe. Each page promises a journey through landscapes both starkly realistic and hauntingly romantic, appealing to a spectrum of readers across disciplines and interests, and prompting a richer appreciation of the Brontës' enduring literary legacy.

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