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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9788027229826
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 472 S., 1.26 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


John Keats's 'Hyperion' is a poetic masterpiece that takes the reader on a journey through the world of Greek mythology. Written in Keats's signature lyrical style, the book delves into the themes of power, beauty, and the struggle for autonomy. Keats's use of vivid imagery and intricate language creates a rich and immersive reading experience, drawing the reader into a world of gods and mortals. Set against the backdrop of the Titanomachy, 'Hyperion' explores the complexities of divinity and the human experience through the eyes of the Titans and their struggle for supremacy. Keats's exploration of these themes makes 'Hyperion' a timeless classic in the realm of Romantic poetry. John Keats, known for his deep love of literature and classical mythology, was inspired to write 'Hyperion' as a response to the fall of Napoleon and the changing political landscape of his time. Drawing on his own experiences and emotions, Keats crafted a work that reflects his reverence for the classics and his commitment to poetic innovation. His dedication to the craft of poetry shines through in 'Hyperion', making it a must-read for lovers of Romantic literature and Greek mythology enthusiasts. For readers seeking a profound and evocative exploration of power, beauty, and the divine, John Keats's 'Hyperion' is a must-read masterpiece that will captivate and inspire. Keats's poetic brilliance and deep understanding of the human condition illuminate every page, making 'Hyperion' a classic work that continues to resonate with readers today.

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