The Healing Sounds of Mantras


Erschienen am 15.03.2016, 1. Auflage 2016
14,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783940975140
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 128 S., 61.98 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


A book about Mantras; everything what you should know about Mantras, with audio samples. Mantras have beside their sound effect and resonance effect a mystic meaning. Every language, every culture uses such magic words which touch the soul. Indian culture, especially Ayurvedic healing methods and Yoga exercises, to which mantra application counts have been practised for centuries. Mantras can be of great help in one s life. You learn about what mantras are, how many different kinds of mantras there are and on which cultural ground they were developed. Mostly, they have religious and philosophical backgrounds and a fundamental comprehension of disease and healing, which differs from the modern western view. These alternative healing approaches take consideration of the psychic aspect alongside the physical aspect of a disease. Often healing words and comforting sounds and songs are used, which in a subtle way activate the self-healing potential of a person. Today, these alternative healing tools are applied by many people in the western world, valued and practised also by therapeutics. Deep spiritual meditative moments are possible while hearing as well as while singing Mantras. At the emotional level salutary feeling are woken up like rest, calmness, joy and love. While hearing the audio samples of some Mantras you come to the pleasure of this unique sacred sound experience. The introduction on the subject for everybody which are in search of an alternative, musical remedial method; help to the meditation and access to own spirituality; practical instructions to the everyday use with detailed explanations.

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