The Path of the Body


Erschienen am 22.09.2016, 1. Auflage 2016
16,00 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783869459493
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 1.00 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


Sex, instrument and modality of Matter, can open our perception to that whisch surpasses it.


SignificanceDoes sex exclude love? Or does one complement the other?So having sex one can enter the dynamic of Love?The Path of the Body and TantraHow to develop the Path of the Body in a practical wayThe true story of sexuality and the bodies of the human beingDefining the goalThe experience within the BodyPrimary UnionPreliminary InformationOur Mortal BodiesThe Physical BodyThe Energetic BodyThe Emotional BodyThe Mental BodyThe "energetic" formsPrincipal Canal n° 1The quality of energy collected during sexual intercourseWhat happens to the energy during sexual intercourseRetention of spermObstacles of the bodyThe first obstacle is in thoughtThe second obstacle is in the memoryThe third obstacle is in the available energyThe fourth obstacle is in the physical bodyThe obstacles of the soulThought and energyThe five thoughtsFalling in LoveEgoistic PleasureNeedPhysical unionComplete UnionRetrieval of Matrix formsThe phases of the EncounterPhase 1a: attraction and approachAttractionAttraction of the mortal bodiesAttraction of the soulApproachPhase 2.a: Physical intimacyPhase 3.a: Achievement of full physical intimacyPhase 4.a: Orgasm or UnionPhase 5.a: relaxationThe forms of orgasmThe series of linear forms1 Linear in opposition2. Linear 2 M.3. Linear 3 W4 Head-to-head formThe indirect perpendicular forms5. Perpendicular form 1 M6 Perpendicular form 2 W.Direct perpendicular forms7 Direct perpendicular form 1.8 Direct perpendicular form 2.9 Perpendicular 3.10 perpendicular 4.Indirect overlapping forms11 Inverted overlapping MDirect overlapping forms12 Classic overlappingInverted overlapping forms13 Inverted overlappingThe V-form14 The VThe direct principal form15 Direct principal formSummaryEverything originates from thoughtEnergy retrieval follows the thoughtFrom sex to LoveFurther literatureIndex

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