Is your twin flame a dual soul?

eBook - When destiny meets love

Erschienen am 20.11.2019, 1. Auflage 2019
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783750472952
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 180 S., 0.57 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


When destiny has its fingers in the game concerning love we usually find a soulmate. To find your dual soul is one of the most beautiful and one of the most sorrowful experiences you can make in your whole life. So beautiful, because you never ever felt such a strong connection and closeness to someone before. And so sorrowful, because suddenly everything seems so complicated. While one of the partners desires nothing more than to live a wonderful relationship, the other withdraws again and again and rejects this special love. A game of proximity and distance arises that only takes an end, if you accept and master the learning tasks that this soul connection holds for both.In this book we would like to show you the correlations between the two dual soul partners, how strong they are connected to each other, what learning tasks await them and how to clear the way into a happy and fulfilled relationship.Because one thing is for sure:Destiny has chosen you for one of the most beautiful relationships that exists. And you should live it - the greatest love of all!


Ricarda Sagehorn:Ricarda Sagehorn, born in Bremen, Germany in 1975, lives in Berlin, Germany and works for many years successfully as a dual soul& karma coach. She is a specialist in karmic connections and soulmates with a special focus on dual soul connections.She shares her knowledge about karma and dual soul connections with their associated learning processes in seminars and workshops together with Cornelia Mroseck.Cornelia Mroseck:Cornelia Mroseck, born in Lüchow, Germany in 1958, lives in Berlin, Germany and works for many years successfully as a dual soul& karma coach. She is a specialist in karmic connections and soulmates with a special focus on dual soul connections.She shares her knowledge about karma and dual soul connections with their associated learning processes in seminars and workshops together with Ricarda Sagehorn.

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