Science and Technology


Erschienen am 16.07.2018, 1. Auflage 2018
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783668751408
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 6 S., 0.49 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


Essay from the year 2018 in the subject Earth Science / Geography - General, Basics, , language: English, abstract: The planet earth is growing less and less accommodative with every year that passes. The reason being, we as the human being do not care about taking care of the Mother Nature and it is striking back. Global warming, rising sea levels catastrophic coast flooding are some of the ways the planet is biting back. No person alive is immune to the effects of climate change. As to this reason every person ought to be accountable to the survival of the planet. We never seem to get enough from science and technology that is after it has provided us with nice cars to minimize walking distance and a lot of other invention that science has provided. Similarly, because of science and technology life is bearable however the same technology destroys the environment. It is a time the people introduces other ways that will not change our lifestyle but ways that will improve it. This project will demonstrate a minor way in which we can be accountable and at the same time not limiting our lives to ensure that the human and animal species in the planet can survive. Additionally, the project will drive to deem or minimize the amount of excess carbon dioxide released by motor vehicle into the environment. Basically, the project will try to mime the plant's process of photosynthesis whereby it absorbs carbon dioxide from the environment and uses it to make its own food in the process giving out by products of oxygen and water.

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