Franz Kafkas literarisches Umfeld in Prag

eBook - 14 Portraits von Oskar Baum bis Franz Werfel

Erschienen am 27.12.2023, 1. Auflage 2023
39,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783662676400
Sprache: Deutsch
Umfang: 0 S., 3.62 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


SHORTLISTED FOR THE BARBELLION PRIZE 2021'A manifesto for recalibrating' DAILY MAIL'I can't think of many books where the reader feels so passionately on the side of the narrator' GUARDIAN'A profound redefinition of the very idea of vitality' FINANCIAL TIMESJosie George lives in a tiny terraced house in the urban West Midlands with her son. Since her early childhood, she has lived with the fluctuating and confusing challenge of disabling chronic illness. But Josie's world is surprising, intricate, dynamic. She has learned what to look for: the routines of her friends at the community centre; the neighbourhood birds in flight; the slow changes in the morning light, in her small garden, in her growing son, in herself.In January 2018, Josie sets out to tell the story of her still life, over the course of a year. As the seasons shift, and the tides of her body draw in and out, Josie begins to unfurl her history. And against a world which values progress and productivity above all else, Josie sets out a quietly radical alternative: to value and treasure life for life itself, with all its great and small miracles.'Full of kindness, A Still Life will make you a better person' CLARE MACKINTOSH'A Still Life is joy-lit: vivid, lovestruck, hopeful and wise' MELISSA HARRISON'Josie George is the kind of writer I strive to be ... A tough, tender, beautiful book about existing in a body in the world' ELLA RISBRIDGER'Could not be more timely ... An immensely talented writer' LINDA GRANT

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