Urban and Regional Governance in China

eBook - Process, Policies, and Politics

Erschienen am 02.04.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
136,95 €
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ISBN/EAN: 9783662450406
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 4.67 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book examines the process, policies, and politics of urban development in China, with particular attention to city region governance, urban redevelopment, and urbanrural interaction through intensive theoretical discussions and extensive case studies. It offers ample data, pictures, and illustrations to provide readers with a deep understanding of urban policies and policies in China. The regional and metropolitan perspective is emphasized to analyze the urbanrural transition and how it affects urban governance. This book develops a well-grounded political economy analysis to examine how city region development and governance evolve in China. Such development is the focal point of Chinas continuing urbanization, and its impact needs to be carefully analyzed. In the end, this book aims to foster discussions that may lead to serious consideration on Chinas future urbanization route.


Lin Ye is a Professor at Center for Chinese Public Administration Research, School of Government, Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China. His research focuses on metropolitan development, urban policy, and regional governance. Professor Ye received his MPA and PhD degree in urban and public affairs from University of Louisville, Kentucky and taught at Roosevelt University in Chicago before joining Sun Yat-sen University. He authored more than10 books and published over 100 articles. Professor Ye serves on the editorial board and as reviewers for English and Chinese journals in urban and public administration research and is currently the Director of Guangzhou International Urban Innovation Research Center.


Chapter 1 Introduction.- Urban and Regional Governance: A Comparison of Western and Chinese Theories and Practices.- Regional Profile, Space Rescaling, and Urban Politics in China.- Outline of the Book.- Chapter 2 3Ps of Governing City Regions in China: Process, Policies, and Politics.- Process: Linked Development, for what?.- Policies: State-led policies, and how?.- Politics: coalition politics, or more?.- Notes.- Chapter 3 Cases of the Pearl River Delta Region in China: Reflection on the 3Ps.- History and Development.- Government and Governance.- Inter-city Competition and Cooperation.- Chapter 4  Logics of Urban Development and Governance: A Closer Examination.- Inter-Governmental Struggles, Fiscal Relations, and Land Policies.- Urban (Re) Development, Land War, and Growth Politics.- Urban, Suburban, and Rural Development: integration or deprivation?.- Chapter 5 Conclusions and Beyond: The Future of City Regions in China.- New-type Urbanization and CityRegions: The National Ambition.- Dissecting Current Policies and Future Direction.- A Chinese Style Urban and Regional Governance?.- Bibliography.

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