The Economics of Symbolic Exchange


Erschienen am 17.09.2008, 1. Auflage 2008
173,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783540798835
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 504 S., 7.17 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Alexander Dolgins Economics of Symbolic Exchange is in reality not one but three books, and although these semantic layers are interlinked, the reader will need to choose between the different vectors and modalities. One clearly evident dimension is research. Certain authors introduce quite new intellectual approaches into scienti?c debate. This requires a special frame of mind and a searching curiosity about social reality. Carl Gustav Jung identi?ed a p- nomenon which he called systematic blindness: when a science reaches a stage of maturity and equilibrium, it categorically refuses, from a sense of self-preservation, to note certain facts and phenomena which it ?nds inconvenient. In Alexander D- gins book whole complexes of such non-canonical material are to be found. Here are just a few examples: ?le exchange networks, through which digital works of art are spread through the Internet; bargain sales of fashionable clothing; the paradox of equal pricing of cultural goods of varying quality; and a discussion of whether - tronage or business has the more productive in?uence on creativity. Obviously, not all the issues Volginraises are totally new, but brought togetherand examinedwithin an elegant logical framework of informational economics, they pose a challenge to scienti?c thinking. Such challenges are by no means immediately or, in some cases, ever acclaimed bythescienti?cestablishment. J. K. Galbraith,forexample,agreatAmericaneco- mist, whose works are read throughout the world, who introduced a whole range of crucially important concepts, the director of John F.


Alexander Dolgin is Professor and head of the Chair of Economics of Culture at the State University - Higher School of Economics, Moscow. He has published two books and over one hundred research papers and popular articles. The main focus of his research interests is the institutional economics of culture, which covers diverse topics such as the deteriorating cultural selection processes, the economics of creative reputations, the theory of the welfare of culture, the economics of the copyright and many others.


A Promising Model for the Music Business.- Adverse Selection in the Culture Industries.- The Economic Logic of Creative Reputations.- The Concept of Cultural Welfare.

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