Thermodynamics and Synchronization in Open Quantum Systems

eBook - Springer Theses

Erschienen am 04.07.2018, 1. Auflage 2018
111,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783319939643
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 16.59 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book explores some of the connections between dissipative and quantum effects from a theoretical point of view. It focuses on three main topics: the relation between synchronization and quantum correlations, the thermodynamical properties of fluctuations, and the performance of quantum thermal machines. Dissipation effects have a profound impact on the behavior and properties of quantum systems, and the unavoidable interaction with the surrounding environment, with which systems continuously exchange information, energy, angular momentum and matter, is ultimately responsible for decoherence phenomena and the emergence of classical behavior. However, there is a wide intermediate regime in which the interplay between dissipative and quantum effects gives rise to a plethora of rich and striking phenomena that has just started to be understood. In addition, the recent breakthrough techniques in controlling and manipulating quantum systems in the laboratory have made this phenomenologyaccessible in experiments and potentially applicable.


Part 1: Introduction to Open Quantum Systems and Quantum Thermodynamics.- Basic Concepts.- Open Quantum System Dynamics.- Quantum Thermodynamics.- Part 2: Quantum Synchronization Induced by Dissipation in Many-Body Systems.- Transient Synchronization and Quantum Correlations.- Noiseless Subsystems and Synchronization.- Dissipative Complex Quantum Networks.- Part 3: Quantum Fluctuation Theorems and Entropy Production.- Fluctuation Theorems for Quantum Maps.- Entropy Production Fluctuations in Quantum Process.- Simple Applications of the Entropy Production FTs.- Part 4: Quantum Thermal Machines.- Thermodynamic Power of the Squeezed Thermal Reservoir.-Performance of Autonomous Quantum Thermal Machines.- Part 5: Conclusions.- Summary and Outlook.

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