Procedural Dermatology Volume II: Laser and Cosmetic Surgery

eBook - Postresidency and Fellowship Compendium

Erschienen am 05.07.2023, 1. Auflage 2023
116,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783132424081
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 314 S.
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


<p><strong>A comprehensive, practical resource on state-of-the-art cosmetic dermatology procedures</strong></p><p>Volume II of<em>Procedural Dermatology: Postresidency and Fellowship Compendium</em>, edited by esteemed dermatologists Yoon-Soo Cindy Bae and David H. Ciocon, provides a comprehensive review of minimally invasive and non-invasive procedures to treat a wide range of cosmetic issues and conditions. Twenty-four consistently organized chapters cover the most up-to-date developments in cosmetic dermatology. Topics include ablative and nonablative resurfacing; body contouring; tissue tightening; laser treatment for vascular and pigmented lesions; scar, acne, and tattoo removal; the use of neuromodulators; soft tissue fillers; hair removal and restoration techniques; blepharoplasty;treatment options for axillary hyperhidrosis; thread lifts; liposuction; and fat transfers.</p><p><strong>Key Features:</strong></p><ul><li>Reflects the collective wisdom of dermatology thought leaders and innovators who pioneered the majority of current laser and cosmetic treatments</li><li>Incorporates a patient-centered approach tailored to individual needs, concerns, ethnicity, anatomy, skin type, and functional status</li><li>Firsthand pearls and pitfall prevention strategies throughout the text focus on improving patient outcomes</li><li>Procedural videos demonstrate chemical peels and high-definition body contouring techniques</li></ul><p>This practical book provides early-career dermatologists with expert guidance that enriches their existing cosmetic dermatology skills and inspires learning and incorporating new techniques into practice to optimize patient care.</p>


<p>1 Nonablative Rejuvenation<br>2 Ablative Rejuvenation<br>3 Body Contouring<br>4 Cellulite Treatment<br>5 Skin Laxity: Microneedling<br>6 Scar Treatments<br>7 Pigmented Lesion Removal<br>8 Lasers and Light Devices for Hair Removal<br>9 Tattoo Removal<br>10 Leg Vein Treatment<br>11 Lasers and Lights in Acne<br>12 Chemical Peels<br>13 Light-Emitting Diode Photomodulation<br>14 Combining Treatments<br>15 Neuromodulators and Injection Technique<br>16 Soft-Tissue Augmentation with Dermal Fillers<br>17 Procedural Hair Restoration: Platelet-Rich Plasma for Hair Loss and Hair Transplant<br>18 Blepharoplasty, Lower Facelift, and Brow Lift<br>19 Devices and Treatment Options for Axillary Hyperhidrosis<br>20 Thread Lifts<br>21 Cosmeceuticals<br>22 Kybella/Deoxycholic Acid/Off-Label Uses<br>23 High-Definition Body Contouring: Advancing Traditional Liposuction through Experience<br>24 Fat Transfer</p>

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