Louis Couturat -Traité de Logique algorithmique

eBook - Publications des Archives Henri Poincaré Publications of the Henri Poincaré Archives

Erschienen am 02.06.2010, 1. Auflage 2010
124,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783034604116
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 317 S., 3.76 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Louis Couturat (18681914) was an outstanding intellectual of the turn of the nineteenth to the twentieth century. He is known for his work in the philosophy of mathematics, for his critical and editorial work on Leibniz, for his attempt to popularise modern logic in France, for his commitment to an international auxiliary language, as well as for his extended correspondence with scholars and mathematicians from Great Britain, the United States, Italy, and Germany. From his correspondence we know of four unpublished manuscripts on logic and its history, which were largely complete and some of which must have been of considerable size. We publish here for the ?rst time in a critical edition the only one of these manuscripts that has been rediscovered: the Traité de Logique algorithmique, presumably written in the years 18991901. It is a highly interesting document of the academic reception and popularisation of symbolic logic in France. It provides evidence of the discussions and controversies which accompanied the creation of logic as a new branch of science. At the same time it completes the picture of Couturats work, which has been opened up to systematic study by the publication of important parts of his correspondence during the last decade. We append the article on Symbolic Logic of 1902 which Couturat wrote in collaboration with Christine Ladd- Franklin for Baldwins Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology.


Transcription of the Manuscript.- Définitions et notations : A. Logique des concepts.- Définitions et notations : B. Logique des propositions.- Principes.- Lois de la multiplication et de laddition.- Lois de la négationa.- Développement des fonctions.- Théorie des équations.- Sur les opérations inverses : Soustraction et division.- Théorie des inégalités.- Calcul des propositions constantesa.- Calcul des jugements variables (ou des probabilités)1.- Comparaison avec la Logique classique1.- Conclusions.- Critical Apparatus.- Variants and Annotations.

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