Backstage Democracy

eBook - The Dynamics of Business-Politics Nexus in Lithuania, Political Corruption and Governance

Erschienen am 29.03.2023, 1. Auflage 2023
56,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783031255311
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 3.48 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book investigates how the actual dynamics of business-state relations work in a democracy and their changes overtime. The focus is limited to one country because access to high-level sources, who are able to openly discuss the nature of the business-politics nexus, cannot be easily replicated. The study is distinctive in a number of ways. First, its focus on politics and business touches upon a number of academic disciplines business sciences, political science, public policy and administration. Second, it is not limited to a static picture of a relatively new democracy, but instead examines the dynamics of change over the last twenty years. As such, it talks to situations in a number of other countries, especially those in Central and Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet space. Third, the methodological approach, which combines anonymous interviews, mass media sources, governmental and non-governmental reports, is not very typical and thus provides a relatively fresh perspectiveon studying such social phenomena. Finally, the study offers original theoretical and analytical frames that can be conveniently applied and tested in other national/regional contexts. These and other features make it a valuable resource in higher education settings, offering a case study at hand, which can be used in courses on corruption, business ethics, democracy, EU studies, areas studies focused on Central and Eastern Europe or the post-Soviet space.   


Ainius La¨as is the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities at Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. Before joining the university, he held a lectureship at the University of Bath (UK), a Senior Research fellowship at St. Anthony College, University of Oxford and a Postdoctoral fellowship at the United Nations University (Japan). His research focuses on informal political culture and its practices in transitional democracies.  


Preface.-1. Introduction.- 2. Concepts.- 3. Context and methodology.- 4. Practices in practice.- 5. Drivers of continuity.- 6. Drivers of change.- 7. Evaluating exclusive situationalism and its broader horizons.- 8. Conclusions 

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