Tales from the Three-Ninth Kingdom-The History of Gluttony

eBook - Food Memoirs

Erschienen am 25.09.2018, 1. Auflage 2018
5,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781984552747
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 270 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


"Tales from the Three Ninth Kingdom" is semibiographical memoirs, written in format of imaginative fairytale, where characters are fictional and unanimous, suitable for gregarious and illustrious times immemorial. In process, she pieced together entertaining tales, epicurean quotations, proverbs and anecdotes, enriching them with the fantasy, only fairytale permit. It is a diary of consummation of culinary delights on all levels: from the doomed world of Romanoff and even more mysterious and strange times before; uncertain dimension of which served exactly the concept of this book It is a small forest of colorful stories, tailored with the twist on established genre of food memoirs: The first part of the book is nostalgic flash back to the postwar childhood, exploring a difficult and colorful survival, where reality was bearable only, when one applies a good doze of fantasy. The second part is a colorful world, occupied by eccentric and decadent characters, whose eponymous life still used as a source for hilarious entertainment.The third part is memorabilia of forgotten recipes, originated in palaces, urban mansions, hunting lodges, ancient monasteries and summer estates, unraveling culinary traditions and history of food, which always followed the rhythm of the changing Four Seasons. This book is contribution to the multicultural canvas of America, where among hundreds ethnic infusions, the Russian cuisine have been noticeably implanted.

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