Sensitive Soul

eBook - Life strategies for thriving in an overwhelming world

Erschienen am 15.05.2020, 1. Auflage 2020
16,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781838885137
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Have you ever been told to toughen up or stop taking everything so seriously? Or do you feel that in a harsh world where the way to get noticed is to shout the loudest your heartfelt approach just doesn't cut it? Some of us are born sensitive. We live our lives vividly through the lens of emotion and with our senses perpetually on high alert. Even those whom others might label ';insensitive', will experience times in their lives when their innate sensitivity is activated and they feel overwhelmed, or sense and feel things they can't explain. Based on strategies proven to be effective by scientists and psychologists, combined with her own research including real stories, Theresa Cheung will show you how to unlock the potential of your sensitivity. She'll guide you through the steps that will transform the challenges of being a gentle person into a strength and shine a light on how traits such as empathy, intuition, creativity and compassion have the power to unite us. The Sensitive Soul is a vital resource for the highly sensitive, anyone who has gone through sensitive times or simply longed for the world to be a little kinder. This book was previously published as The Sensitivity Code.Read what everyone is saying about The Sensitive Soul: ';Theresa Cheung provides a timely guide for individuals, who feel life deeply, to take a step back, and reflect upon sensitivity and how it fits in the modern world's emotion paradigmIt reminded me there are steps I can use in my life to increase my self-care. I recommend this book to anyone who wishes to explore sensitivity in themselves or others.' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars ';A thorough explanation of the highly sensitive individual, the problems they need to wrestle with in their day-to-day life and their amazing gifts they can deploy at work and at home. Once the book talked us through these basic ideas, it then moves on to offering solutions to this high sensitivity, and to enjoying its pros rather than dealing with its cons.' Affair With Psychology, 5 stars ';I found this book absolutely fascinating. As someone who has been told to "e;toughen up"e; a lot I could relate to it so much. I really feel like this book has given me some great strategies for both me and my very sensitive 4-year-old son. Fantastic and recommended to anyone who feels it could help them.' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars ';Looking at individual case studies really resonated with me. It is helpful on many levels from the identifying traits of being sensitive to acknowledging what people have said to you since a child. It makes you see the positives of being sensitive instead of the negatives. Unlike some psychology books it is very accessible and friendly and non-judgemental.' Karen Reads and Recommends';The aim of The Sensitive Soul is to help gentle people recognise their own worth. To give them the coping tools to manage emotions and navigate insensitive environments. To help sensitive people identify the red flags of toxic relationships

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