Building Behavior


Erschienen am 06.06.2019, 1. Auflage 2019
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781544340098
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 184 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Build the behavior system your students need and deserve

Students deserve a safe, welcoming, and tolerant learning environment in which high expectations for academic and social/emotional learning will flourish. To achieve this, schools must implement consistent behavior initiatives that are rooted in equity and clear in outcome and purpose. Which plan is best for your students needs?

In Building Behavior, authors Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan and John Hannigan identify the strengths of six major research-based behavior initiatives and offer practical guidance for implementing one or more that meet the unique needs of your students and school. They explore and connect the relationship of effect sizes and influence of six common behavior initiativesPositive Behavior Interventions and Supports, Character Education, Restorative Justice, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Trauma Informed Practices, and Social and Emotional Learningto help educators understand the purpose of each and give school leaders a starting point for adding to, refining, or building a tailored behavior system that is effective and manageable. Building Behavior includes: 

Common definitions, frameworks, best practice resources, and tips for implementing and synthesizing each of the behavior initiativesReflective prompts that connect the existing body of knowledge with real life experiences and practicesReproducible resources, including sample schoolwide and district-wide assessmentsTips to avoid common implementation challenges and missteps 

Dont just reach for the "next best thing." Learn to select, self-assess, and build a plan for effective implementation of a behavior system that meets the diverse academic and social/emotional learning needs of your students. 

"This book offers comprehensive, unbiased information on effective behavior initiatives and provides effective tools for implementing the action plan that best fits a school. It provides a one-stop shop that educators can use to evaluate their current behavior plan, research the most current behavior initiatives, and tailor-fit an initiative for their school."
- Mandy White, Science Teacher, Vicenza Middle School, U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity


About the Authors
Chapter 1 Building Effective Behavior Initiatives in Schools
The Why Behind This Book
How to Use This Book: Building Behavior
Behavior Initiatives K-W-L Strategy
Before You Begin: An Important Note
Chapter 2 Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
The WhatPositive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Connection to Hatties Effect Sizes in Relation to the Core Components of PBIS
Synthesized Indicators of PBIS Implementation Success and Challenges
PBIS Best-Practice Resource Inventory
Chapter 3 Character Education
The WhatCharacter Education
Connection to Hatties Effect Sizes in Relation to the Core Components of Character Education
Synthesized Indicators of Character Education Implementation Success and Challenges
Character Education Best-Practice Resource Inventory
Chapter 4 Restorative Justice
The WhatRestorative Justice
Connection to Hatties Effect Sizes in Relation to the Core Components of Restorative Justice
Synthesized Indicators of Restorative Justice Implementation Success and Challenges
Restorative Justice Best-Practice Resource Inventory
Chapter 5 Culturally Responsive Teaching
The WhatCulturally Responsive Teaching (CRT)
Connection to Hatties Effect Sizes in Relation to the Core Components of CRT
Synthesized Indicators of CRT Implementation Success and Challenges
CRT Best-Practice Resource Inventory
Chapter 6 Trauma-Informed Practices
The WhatTrauma-Informed Practices (TIPs)
Connection to Hatties Effect Sizes in Relation to the Core Components of TIPs
Synthesized Indicators of TIPs Implementation Success and Challenges
TIPs Best-Practice Resource Inventory
Chapter 7 Social and Emotional Learning
The WhatSocial and Emotional Learning (SEL)
Connection to Hatties Effect Sizes in Relation to the Core Components of SEL
Synthesized Indicators of SEL Implementation Success and Challenges
SEL Best-Practice Resource Inventory
Chapter 8 Bringing It All Together: Building Behavior Initiatives
Bringing It All Together: Synthesis of the Six Behavior Initiatives
SchoolWide Behavior Initiatives Process (SW-BIP)
SW-BIP Phase 1: Selection
SW-BIP Phase 2: Self-Assessment
SW-BIP Phase 3: Solutions
Closing Thoughts: Tips and Suggestions from the Authors

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