Heidegger in the Literary World

eBook - Variations on Poetic Thinking, New Heidegger Research

Erschienen am 17.11.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
52,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781538162569
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 310 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Within the vast reception history of Martin Heideggers philosophical thought poets, novelists, and playwrights have occupied a central place. This collection of essays opens up new perspectives by tracing the manifold, often surprising ways in which Heideggerian concepts, motifs, and concerns have been taken up in literary and poetic writing since the middle of the 20th century. In their contributions, scholars from the Americas, Asia, and Europe explore intellectual constellations between Heidegger and selected literary figures such as John Ashbery, Julia de Burgos, Paul Celan, Elfriede Jelinek, and Velimir Khlebnikov.

The volume unveils the immense creativity that crystallizes in these poetic and literary traces and disseminations of Heideggers thinking. Hence, it points to new and fruitful ways to critically intervene in current philosophical and literary debates.


Florian Grosser teaches in the Visual& Critical Studies Program at California College of the Arts, San Francisco and in the Department of Philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley. His research interests lie in 20th century continental philosophy, political and social philosophy, and aesthetics. He is the author of the monographsRevolution denken. Heidegger und das Politische 1919-1969 (Munich: C.H. Beck, 2011; 2nd edition 2020) andTheorien der Revolution (Hamburg: Junius, 2013; revised 2nd edition 2018).

Nassima Sahraouiis a researcher based in Germany. Her areas of research are political theory, history of philosophy, and the intersections between literature and philosophy. She is the author ofDynamis. Eine materialistische Philosophie der Differenz (2021) and is preparing another monograph onForms of Resistance.


Variations on a Theme of Poetic Thinking: An Introduction

Florian Grosser and Nassima Sahraoui


Text, Exegesis, and Salvation

1Heidegger and the Critics

Julia Ireland

2 Heidegger as Introduction to Talmud

Elad Lapidot

3 Reactionary Nostalgia: Badiou, Heidegger, and the Poets

Luca di Blasi

4In the Outhouse of Being: What Satires Tell Us About Heideggers Philosophy

Dieter Thomä

Displacing the House of Being

5 Beththat is the House: Paul Celans Hebrew Dwelling

Simone Stirner

6 Meridians of Truth: From Heideggers Geography of Being to Celans Topology of Language

Nassima Sahraoui

7 Handkes Doubt:Slow Homecoming in Conversation with Heidegger

Florian Grosser


Hölderlin and the Poetics of the States

8 The Right to Be: Stevens and Heidegger on Thinking and Poetizing

Frederick Dolan

9 Victory Is an Illusion of Philosophers and Fools: Heidegger, Faulkner, and the Ruination of the Proper

Benjamin Brewer

10 The Gods are never quite forgotten: John Ashberys Heidegger

Luke Carson

11 Heideggers Mistress? Meditations onDasein in David MarksonsWittgensteins Mistress

Tim Personn

Crossing the Boundaries of the Other: History, Time, and Silence

12 The Impossible Death of Julia de Burgos: Reading ¡Dádme mi número! at the Limits ofDa-sein

Ronald Mendoza-de Jesús

13 Lezama Lima and the Resurrection of the Image (An Ontological Enigma)

Mauricio González

14The Boundary of Ontological Time and its Crossing:ShzKukis Analysis of Japanese Poetry as an Unrealized Dialogue with Heidegger

Yohei Kageyama

15 Heidegger and Russian Revolutionary Nonsense

Jeff Love


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