Munich 1919

eBook - Diary of a Revolution

Erschienen am 23.06.2017, 1. Auflage 2017
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781509510627
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 220 S., 0.83 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Munich 1919 is a vivid portrayal of the chaos that followed World War I and the collapse of the Munich Council Republic by one of the most perceptive chroniclers of German history. Victor Klemperer provides a moving and thrilling account of what turned out to be a decisive turning point in the fate of a nation, for the revolution of 1918-9 not only produced the first German democracy, it also heralded the horrors to come.

With the directness of an educated and independent young man, Klemperer turned his hand to political journalism, writing astute, clever and linguistically brilliant reports in the beleaguered Munich of 1919. He sketched intimate portraits of the people of the hour, including Erich Mühsam, Max Levien and Kurt Eisner, and took the measure of the events around him with a keen eye. These observations are made ever more poignant by the inclusion of passages from his later memoirs. In the midst of increasing persecution under the Nazis he reflected on the fateful year 1919, the growing threat of antisemitism, and the acquaintances he made in the period, some of whom would later abandon him, while others remained loyal.

Klemperer's account once again reveals him to be a fearless and deeply humane recorder of German history. Munich 1919 will be essential reading for all those interested in 20th century history, constituting a unique witness to events of the period.


Victor Klemperer was one of the most famous chroniclers of 20th century German history. His diaries, published in three volumes covering the Third Reich and its aftermath, are bestsellers and a standard source for historians of the period.


Christopher Clark

Notes on the text

Munich 1919

Diary of a Revolution

Politics and the Bohemian World

February 1919


Two Munich Ceremonies

February 1919


Munich After Eisner's Assassination

February 22, 1919


The Events at the University of Munich

April 8, 1919


The Third Revolution in Bavaria

April 9, 1919

Revolutionary Diary

April 17, 1919

April 18, 1919


Revolutionary Diary

April 19, 1919


Revolutionary Diary

April 20, 1919

April 21, 1919

April 22, 1919


Revolutionary Diary

April 30, 1919


Revolutionary Diary

May 2, 1919

May 4, 1919

May 10, 1919


Munich Tragicomedy

January 17, 1920


The German Revolution of 1918-9: A Historical Essay
Wolfram Wette


About this edition

Picture credits



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