How to Be an Astrologer

eBook - Everything You Need to Interpret Anyone's Birth Chart for a Complete, Accurate, and Revealing Astrological Reading

Erschienen am 14.04.2020, 1. Auflage 2020
18,95 €
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E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781507213025
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 276 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Why go to an astrologer when you can be an astrologer? Now you can take your astrology knowledge to the next level with this clear, concise, and comprehensive guide to the stars. From horoscopes to compatibility breakdowns, astrology is everywhere. But how do you figure out what it all means? And how can it help you better understand yourself and the world around you? The answer may be written in the stars! How to Be an Astrologer explains everything you need to know about the stars, from understanding the astrological year to advice on starting a unique, personalized astrology practice. Simply start with the basics and work your way up through the different aspects of what it takes to run a successful practice. Including a breakdown of your birth chart to how the movement of the planets make an impact throughout the year, this book tackles all the questions you've been wondering. Sample questions include: -Is it ever possibleor acceptableto predict death based on an astrological reading? -Can astrology help in daily life by improving my relationships? -How can I apply what I've learned and start thinking like an astrologer? Astrology expert Constance Stellas offers relatable advice to anyone interested in learning more about astrology, getting to know themselves through the zodiac, and providing accurate readings for others. Start your journey to becoming an astrologer today!

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