A Moment of Silence

eBook - God Wants to Speak to You

Erschienen am 25.09.2014, 1. Auflage 2014
11,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781490849225
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 134 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


God has designed a perfect plan and a specific purpose for each person who has decided to believe in His word. This book will inspire and allow you to dream and believe in the promises that God has declared. If youve been waiting for an answer from God and still havent heard anything, lower the volume of the noise surrounding you! He is trying to whisper the answer to your problem. Listen, because the solution might be in the gentle whisper.A Moment of Silence will help you discover your purpose in God and will help you define your position in Him. Its content is light in the midst of darkness and a peace that calms the storm. God speaks in the midst of silence; we simply need to listen. A Moment of Silence will provide you with the direction and clarity you need. Dont miss Gods blessing in your life for not distinguishing His voice. His voice will give your life direction and guidance to the destiny He has prepared for you.In the midst of your circumstances, the Lord says, I have a solution. I have a purpose for your life, and I want to reveal it to you as you stay still. Give Me a moment of silence. Are you willing to be silent and listen to Me?If we desire to hear God, seeking his presence should be a priority in our lives. But how difficult this can be at times. I think that one of the greatest challenges we face as believers is to keep our relationship with the Lord as number one in our agenda. For this reason, I am glad to see that God continues to raise willing people, such as Landy, to share on this very important matter. I invite you to open your heart and get ready to hear what the Holy Spirit wants to speak to you through this book.Lilly GoodmanPsalmist and author of La realidad de un sueo [The Reality of a Dream]

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