Celebrations at the Chateau

eBook - Relax and unwind with the perfect holiday romance

Erschienen am 02.09.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
14,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781473573635
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 368 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


'So good I could almost taste it. Magnifique!' Milly Johnson'Fun, food, love and France, what more can anyone want?' Katie FfordeAn enchanting French chateau and a handsome town mayor - the perfect recipe for romance...- - - - -When their grandfather dies, Fliss and her sisters are astonished to inherit a French chateau! Travelling to Normandy to visit the beautiful if faded house, they excitedly make plans over delicious crepes and local cider in the town nearby.They soon discover the chateau needs major work and a huge tax bill is due . . . Unable to sell but strapped for cash, Fliss determines to spruce up the elegant old rooms and open a B&B.But Jacques, the handsome town mayor, is opposed to her plan. When it becomes clear that the only way to save the magnificent castle is to work together, Jacques and Fliss discover that they have more in common than they think...A romantic and uplifting read about turning your dreams into a reality from the author of Escape to the French Farmhouse.Readers are falling in love with Celebrations at the Chateau:***** The perfect story for curling up under a blanket, with a mug of hot chocolate***** A romantic and magical read . . . I couldn't put it down***** A wonderful hug of a book. Feel-good fiction at its very best!

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