Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End

eBook - Star Wars

Erschienen am 23.02.2017, 1. Auflage 2017
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781473505360
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 512 S., 5.43 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


TheSunday TimesBestseller FollowingStar Wars: AftermathandStar Wars: Life Debt,Chuck Wendig delivers the exhilarating conclusion to the bestselling trilogy set in the years betweenReturn of the JediandThe Force Awakens.

As the final showdown between the New Republic and the Empire draws near, all eyes turn to a once-isolated planet: Jakku.

The Battle of Endor shattered the Empire, scattering its remaining forces across the galaxy. But the months following the Rebellions victory have not been easy. The fledgling New Republic has suffered a devastating attack from the Imperial remnant, forcing the new democracy to escalate their hunt for the hidden enemy.

For her role in the deadly ambush, Grand Admiral Rae Sloane is the most wanted Imperial war criminaland one-time rebel pilot Norra Wexley, back in service at Leias urgent request, is leading the hunt. But more than just loyalty to the New Republic drives Norra forward: her husband was turned into a murderous pawn in Sloanes assassination plot, and now she wants vengeance as much as justice.

But Sloane, too, is on a furious quest: pursuing the treacherous Gallius Rax to the barren planet Jakku. As the true mastermind behind the Empires devastating attack, Rax has led the Empire to its defining moment. The cunning strategist has gathered the powerful remnants of the Empires war machine, preparing to execute the late Emperor Palpatines final plan. As the Imperial fleet orbits Jakku, an armada of Republic fighters closes in to finish what began at Endor. Norra and her crew soar into the heart of an apocalyptic clash that will leave land and sky alike scorched. And the future of the galaxy will finally be decided.


Chuck Wendig is a novelist, screenwriter and game designer. He's the author of many novels, includingBlackbirds,Atlanta Burns,Zer0es, and the YAHeartlandseries. He is co-writer of the short filmPandemicand the Emmy-nominated digital narrativeCollapsus. He currently lives in the forests of Pennsyltucky with his wife, tiny human, and red dog.

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