A Sky Full of Birds

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Erschienen am 07.04.2016, 1. Auflage 2016
8,49 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781473503328
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 256 S., 1.82 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


'Prose from a poet and a personal take on the spectacles' Chris Packham, author ofFingers in the Sparkle Jar

Shortlisted for Richard Jefferies Society&White Horse Bookshop Literary Prize 2017 Longlisted for the Wainwright Prize 2017

Britain is a nation of bird-lovers. However, few of us fully appreciate the sheer scale, variety and drama of our avian life. From city-centre hunters to vast flocks straight out of the Arctic wilderness, much-loved dawn songsters to the exotic invaders of supermarket car parks, a host of remarkable wildlife spectacles are waiting to be discovered right outside our front doors.

InA Sky Full of Birds, poet and nature writer Matt Merritt shares his passion for birdwatching by taking us to some of the great avian gatherings that occur around the British isles from ravens in Anglesey and raptors on the Wirral, to Kent nightingales and Scottish capercaillies. By turns lyrical, informative and entertaining, he shows how natural miracles can be found all around us, if only we know where to look for them.

A Sky Full of Birdsis the perfect read for avid birdwatchers and a beautiful gift for lovers of nature and poetic prose.


Matt Merritt is the Editor ofBird Watching, Britains best-selling bird watching magazine, and a published poet with four collections to his name. He is frequently invited to give talks and readings, and is the Poetry Editor of the literary magazineUnder The Radar. He blogs at polyolbion.blogspot.com


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