
Erschienen am 29.10.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781456638368
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 70 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Over the years, the amount of video content has grown exponentially, leading to a flood of video content on live broadcasting platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and others. As you know, four out of five people are likely to watch a video . That's why live streaming is so popular these days.
With a live video streaming strategy, companies of all sizes can engage with their consumers and potential consumers and create important relationships through video integration.
Live video marketing therefore offers the opportunity to do just that. It is easy to build authority, commitment and authenticity, and for most , it is affordable and has a proven record of effectiveness
It's therefore very justifiable to all marketers - why live Video Marketing should be an important part of your marketing plan. The question is whether it should be part of your next campaign.
Live Video marketing isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Live streaming is a natural extension of the live video marketing and will remain an online marketing niche for the foreseeable future.
It opens up a new world of interactivity, and you should take advantage of it. As live streaming becomes more popular, it is not as expensive as older l video marketing method . All you need for a live video stream is a solid and stable internet connection, a good camera and HD quality recordings.
Another advantage of live video streaming that you will feel like you're in the room with the customer. For example, you can show them a demo version of your latest product and in parallel , engage with customer on real time interactively Or sometime you can show them the office and introduce them to your employees in real time. With the help of social media platforms like Instagram and facebook, companies lift the curtain to show what they are made of to their customers - and live streaming makes it easy to do so.
When used correctly, live streaming can help create community. In fact, platforms like Periscope allow people to comment simultaneously with the livestream so that your audience can interact with each other. This can help to forge a community. When people connect in this way, it will improve the user experience.
Consider adding live videos to your marketing plan. It is quickly becoming one of the best strategies to implement and with this guidebook
Cashing In With The Power Of Social Live Video Marketing Workbook Journal
This workbook will provide a clear guidance through a Social Live Video marketing action plan with well formatted layout for social media engagement on various platforms for daily-weekly and monthly work monitor , workflow , tracking and measuring on progress and so much more. It includes over 65 worksheets to help you get your action plan in order and keep everything within your checklist progress to a total Social Live Video Marketing program

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