Volume 2 the Dancing Hand of God

eBook - Unveiling the Fullness of God Through Apostolic Signs, Wonders, and Miracles

Erschienen am 22.11.2011, 1. Auflage 2011
5,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781449730246
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 304 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


The Dancing Hand of God: Unveiling the Fullness of God through Apostolic Signs, Wonders and Miracles continues, in this second volume, the lifes story of its author, James Maloney, and offers his insights, gleaned from years of study and teaching. This creates a dynamic blend that unveils the riches God gives to faithful followers. With these gifts in hand, they can perform apostolic signs, wonders, and miracles that witness to Gods fullness and that change the lives of all who experience them.In this volume of The Dancing Hand of God, the exploration of Gods qualities turns to holiness, faith, compassion, confidence, power, blessing, and simplicity. Just as in the first volume, each of the chapters ends with an outline using the section headings as topics and listing the main insights from the section. This approach helps to make the book suitable both for ones own private study and for dialogue with others.The Dancing Hand of God: Unveiling the Fullness of God through Apostolic Signs, Wonders and Miracles offers its stories and its teachings as resources for anyone who recognizes that his or her life can become burdened by forcesisolation, fear, and unholinessthat hinder the blossoming of ones spiritual life. If you see yourself in this description, then The Dancing Hand of God will serve as a kind of mentor, guiding you through its narrative and its teachings to find God as both source and inspiration for your own ministry that works miracles, wonders, and apostolic signs.

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