Eating for Two

eBook - The complete guide to nutrition during pregnancy and beyond

Erschienen am 24.07.2012, 1. Auflage 2012
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E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781448118557
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 192 S., 30.03 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Every mum-to-be wants to know that she's eating the right things for herself and her baby. Nutrition is vital during pregnancy, and there's a huge amount of conflicting advice out there.

For the first time, child nutrition expert Annabel Karmel brings her food knowledge and experience to expectant mothers, guiding you through each stage of your pregnancy and offering tips and advice on what to eat and avoid. From the best foods to eat to promote conception, through ideas for avoiding morning sickness in the first trimester, to the best nutrition to combat sleeplessness, anaemia and heartburn later on, Annabel leads you through your pregnancy and beyond, even suggesting meals to make and freeze ready for when you have your new baby!

With Annabel's advice and over 90 fabulous recipes, you can be confident that you are eating the best possible diet for you and your developing baby.


Annabel Karmel MBE, a busy working mother of three, is the leading author on cooking for children and has written 23 bestselling books, includingNewComplete Baby and Toddler Meal PlannerandComplete First Year Planner. She regularly writes for parenting magazines includingMother and Baby. Annabel is an expert in devising tasty and nutritious meals for children and has her own range of food available in supermarkets.


Annabel's first ever guide to what to eat during pregnancy, packed with healthy recipes and advice for mums-to-be

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