Wyrmeweald: Returner's Wealth

eBook - Wyrmeweald

Erschienen am 20.12.2012, 1. Auflage 2012
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781446498590
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 432 S., 2.06 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Seventeen-year-old Micah, enters the wyrmeweald full of hope to return home having made his fortune. But this is a land where wyrmes, fabulous dragon-like beasts, roam wild and reign supreme. In Wyrmeweald man is both hunter and hunted - and Micah may never return alive, let alone a hero... He soon finds a chance to prove his worth when he meets with Eli, a veteran tracker, and together they defend a rare whitewyrme egg and its precious hatchling. But the fledgling wyrme has its own guardian in the shape of the beautiful, brave and dangerous Thrace. Thrace and Micah should never mix - but the magnetism between them is strong. Together they join forces on a mission to rescue the hatchling - and seek vengenace for lost loved-ones.

A truly immersive fantasy epic: full of thrilling, high octane action; powerful romance and a cast of credible, colourful characters.


Chris Riddell (Author) Chris Riddell is an acclaimed artist of childrens books and a political cartoonist for the Observer. Amongst other titles, Chris illustrates theOttolineyoung fiction series andthe Goth Girlseries, as well as working closely with Paul Stewart on theEdge ChroniclesandWyrmeweald. Children's Laureate from 2015-2017, he has won many awards for his work, including the Nestlé Gold Award, the UNESCO Award forSomething Elseand the rare honour of three Kate Greenaway Medals. Paul Stewart (Author) Paul Stewart is a highly regarded author of books for young readers - everything from picture books to football stories, fantasy and horror. Together with Chris Riddell, he is co-creator of the bestsellingEdge Chroniclesseries, which has sold over three million books and is now available in over thirty languages. They are also co-creators of theFar-Flung Adventureseries, which includesFergus Crane, Gold Smarties Prize Winner,Corby FloodandHugo Pepper,Silver Nestle Prize Winners, and theBarnaby GrimesSeries.


Book One of a new three-part fantasy by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell set in Wyrmeweald, where awesome dragon-like beasts roam supreme. Think AVATAR - with dragons.

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