Solution-Focused Groupwork


Erschienen am 25.10.2007, 1. Auflage 2007
54,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781446206096
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 216 S.
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


`Solution-Focused Groupwork (2001) was a major contribution to the literature on groupwork. It has been one of this author's most influential books. The Second Edition contains much new material including the uses of 'problem talk', an activity normally avoided by solution-focused therapists. Preparation for groups, client motivation and collaboration are all explored in detail. The role of (or necessity for?) social time to be built into the therapy model is an interesting and novel idea. Suggestions are made for client evaluation and for creative exercises to enhance the group process. All in all, the result is a valuable and readable new edition' - Dr Alasdair J Macdonald `Enlightening, clearly written, and helpfully presented...The book echoes what Solution-Focused Groupwork is all about - being practical and optimistic about human potential' - David Jaques, Author of Learning in Groups`A fund of practical wisdom which will give confidence and encouragement to everyone trying to run groups along solution-focused lines' - Bill O'Connell, Focus on Solutions Limited, Birmingham`John Sharry has drawn on a combination of extensive experience in running groups and a thorough understanding of current developments to produce an inspiring and practical guide to this powerful way of helping people to change. I have recommended the first edition many times and have been sharing the good news of this new edition ever since I knew it was under way' - John Wheeler MA, UKCP Registered Family Therapist, Social Worker and Independent Trainer. `Sharry's book offers a persuasive alternative to traditional methods of group practice. The new edition enhances the applicability of an already major contribution to solution-focused practice. It is obviously written from a real practitioner who understands the process and elements of group work. He offers excellent case material throughout to help demonstrated the skills and values of this approach and does so in a readable and engaging manner suitable for students and professionals at all levels of expertise' - Professor Robert Blundo, Ph.D., LCSW, Strengths Collaborative, Department of Social Work, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC. U.S.A.`This slim tautly written volume disguises an enormously practical treasure store to help group facilitators. Solution-Focused Groupwork should be essential reading' -Barbara Wilson, Family Mediation in PracticeSolution-Focused Groupwork, Second Edition is a highly practical guide for all professionals who use groups to help people. For those new to the solution-focused approach it provides a clear, step-by-step introduction, while for more experienced practitioners it presents ideas and techniques which can be readily integrated into existing practice. Using carefully selected case studies, John Sharry takes readers through the various stages in the therapeutic process, from getting started to the final session.He also provides:" creative exercises for use in practice, " guidance on evaluating the outcomes of group work and " a new model for group supervision. A real strength of the book is in showing practitioners how to create a constructive, positive and solution-focused group culture and how to maintain this culture in spite of the challenges, tensions and difficulties that naturally arise within groups.John Sharry is a Principal Social Worker in the Department of Child and Family Psychiatry, Mater Hospital, and part-time Director of the Brief Therapy Group (Private Practice and Consultancy).

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