Safety, Health, and Environmental Auditing

eBook - A Practical Guide

Erschienen am 03.06.2011, 1. Auflage 2011
73,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781439858646
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 230 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Even though most organizations have extensive safety, health, and environmental protocols in place, things often go wrong. Having good quality instructions is only half the battle. An equally crucial part of a good quality process is auditing, the step that ensures compliance with the procedures. Safety, Health, and Environmental Auditing: A Practical Guide provides down to earth guidance on improving safety, health, and environmental performance, supplying a starting point for developing auditing protocols and knowing how to implement them.In contrast to the overly academic and uninspiring tone of many auditing books, this text gives accessible, user-friendly advice in a step-by-step manner. Based on novel auditing techniques designed to overcome common problems in the audit process, the book emphasizes accurate auditing that is representative and repeatable. It has been written in such a way that it is easy to dip into and out of the short chapters to refresh your memory prior to or during an audit. Alleviating the need to trawl through mountains of text to find useful and practical checklists, the author provides a set of audit protocols covering 60 different aspects of environmental, health, and safety management in Appendix 2 and frequently used, practical administrative checklists useful for planning and conducting the audit in Appendix 1.The book integrates the concepts of safety, health, and environmental auditing into a common approach of loss prevention. Based on the author's 16 years of developing and teaching EHS auditing techniques, it conveys the practical tricks of the trade in an interesting and memorable way. Not only does the book advise on the human factor elements of successful auditing, but it also provides a detailed methodology, both on paper and in simple-to-use software, that shows organizations how to conduct their own audits in an effective manner.

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