Race, Ethnicity and Gender in Education

eBook - Cross-Cultural Understandings, Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research

Erschienen am 23.03.2010, 1. Auflage 2010
111,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781402097393
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 230 S., 1.35 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Race, Ethnicity and Gender in Education: Cross-cultural, which is the sixth volume in the 12-volume book series Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research, presents scholarly research on major discourses of race, ethnicity and gender in education. It provides an easily accessible, practical yet scholarly source of information about the international concern in the field of globalisation and comparative education. Above all, the book offers the latest findings to the critical issues concerning major discourses on race, ethnicity and gender in the global culture. It is a sourcebook of ideas for researchers, practitioners and policymakers in education, globalisation, social justice, equity and access in schooling around the world. It offers a timely overview of current issues affecting research in comparative education of race, ethnicity and gender. It provides directions in education and policy research relevant to progressive pedagogy, social change and transformational educational reforms in the twen- first century. The book critically examines the overall interplay between the state, ideology and current discourses of race, ethnicity and gender in the global culture. It draws upon recent studies in the areas of globalisation, equity, social justice and the role of the State (Zajda et al. , 2006, 2008). It explores conceptual frameworks and methodological approaches applicable in the research covering the State, globa- sation, race, ethnicity and gender.


MAIN TRENDS AND POLICY ISSUES.- Globalisation, Transnational Feminism and Educational Justice.- Living Together After Apartheid: Assessments of South Africas Progress, and Roles for Education Programs.- Women and Higher Education in Postrevolutionary Iran: Unsettling Policies and Unanticipated Outcomes.- When Indigenous and Modern Education Collide.- Power, Language, and Race Relations Within Francophone Communities in Canada.- Gender Equity and Women Empowerment in Africa: The Education and Economic Globalization Nexus.- CASE STUDIES.- Poor Women and Community-Based Participation in Literacy Work in India.- Against the Odds: Multiethnic and Multiracial Students Surviving in US Schools.- Gender Stereotypes, Class Prejudice and Female Warriors in the Depiction of Women in Year 6 Greek Primary School History Textbooks (19701983 and 19972006).- The Construction of Gender Identity: A Semiotic Analysis.- Women Teachers Emotional Commitment and Involvement: A Universal Professional Feature and Educational Policy.- Bridging the Educational Gap: Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Beliefs, Attitudes and Practices in a Remote Australian School.

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