Marine Resource Damage Assessment

eBook - Liability and Compensation for Environmental Damage

Erschienen am 29.06.2006, 1. Auflage 2006
148,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781402033681
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 284 S., 1.69 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Prof. Dr. FRANK MAES Department of Public International Law& Maritime Institute Ghent University, Belgium Universiteitstraat 6, B Ghent, Tel. : + 32 9 264 68 95, Fax: + 32 9 264 69 89 E-mail: Frank. Maes@UGent. be The contributions to this book are partly the output of a research project conducted between 1998 and 2002 in Belgium and a conference held at the Ghent University, Belgium, in June 2003 on the topic Marine Resource Damage Assessment and Compensation for Environmental Damage (MARE-DASM). The Belgian Federal Science Policy sponsored both the research and the conference. MARE-DASM research focused on: (i) the estimation and distribution of marine contaminants in order to assess their long term effects (ecotoxicology); (ii) the integration of these result into a Biological Effects SubModel and a mathematical model assessing the risks associated with accidental spillage of oil at sea and the damage this can cause (modelling); (iii) the assessment of the willingness to pay for ecological damage, based on the Contingent Valuation Method (economics); (iv) the development and evaluation of measures to be taken in order to guarantee a sustainable use of the Belgian part of the North Sea, taking into account the economic and social interests and values (social economics); (v) the potential to develop technical and legal procedures that allow ecological damage to the marine environment to be evaluated and compensated, taking into account constraints in national and international liability legislation (legal).


Frank Maes is professor of Public International Law, in particular International Environmental Law at Ghent University (Belgium) and research director at the Maritime Institute of Ghent University. He is mainly involved in the co-ordination and promotion of research projects on the protection of seas and oceans, fresh water legislation, climate change and sustainable development. He is also frequently acting as advisor to governments and non-governmental organizations on aspects of international environmental law.


Legal Aspects of Environmental Damage.- Estimating Damages Under the 2004 EC Directive on Environmental Liability.- Environmental Damage and Belgian Law.- Compensation for Ecological Damage and Latvian Law.- International and Regional Funds for Compensation for Damage to the Marine Environment.- Scope of Compensation for Environmental Damage Under the 1992 Civil Liability Convention and the 1992 Fund Convention.- The Canadian SSOP Fund and Environmental Damage Assessment (EDA) in Canada.- The Impact of EC Decision-Making on the International Regime for Oil Pollution Damage: The Supplementary Fund Example.- Economic Valuation of Damage to the Marine Environment.- Economic Assessment of Marine Quality Benefits: Applying the Use of Non-Market Valuation Methods.- A Contingent Valuation Study of an Accidental Oil Spill Along the Belgian Coast.- Trade-Off Between Environmental and Socio-Economic Factors in the Belgian Part of the North Sea.- The Use of Mathematical Models for Estimating Oil Pollution Damage at Sea.- Socio-Economic Value of the Human Activities in the Marine Environment: The Belgian Case.

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