The Missing Links in Teacher Education Design

eBook - Developing a Multi-linked Conceptual Framework, Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices

Erschienen am 02.05.2007, 1. Auflage 2007
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781402033469
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 292 S., 6.33 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Rather than promote a single teacher education design, this book discusses new ways to think about the problem. Key to such thinking is considering teacher education not independent elements but as a combination of links. This book offers four key links: conceptual ties across the university curriculum; theory-practice links between school and university settings; social-cultural links among the participants; and personal links that shape the identity of teacher educators.


Developing a Multi-linked Conceptual Framework for Teacher Education Design.- Conceptual Links Across the University Curriculum.- Principled Practice in Teacher Education.- Evolution from a Problem-Based to a Project-Based Secondary Teacher Education Program: Challenges, Dilemmas and Possibilities.- On Discernment: The Wisdom of Practice and the Practice of Wisdom in Teacher Education.- Re-Organising and Integrating the Knowledge Bases of Initial Teacher Education: The Knowledge Building Community Program.- Teacher Education for the Middle Years of Schooling: Making Connections between Fields of Knowledge, Educational Policy Reforms and Pedagogical Practice.- Theory-Practice Links between School and University Settings.- Innovation and Change in Teacher Education: An Inquiring, Reflective, Collaborative Approach.- Using the Practicum in Preservice Teacher Education Programs: Strengths and Weaknesses of Alternative Assumptions about the Experiences of Learning to Teach.- Who Stays in Teaching and Why?: A Case Study of Graduates from the University of Kansas 5th-Year Teacher Education Program.- Social-Cultural Links amongst Participants in the Program.- Constructing and Sustaining Communities of Inquiry in Teacher Education.- Developing a Culture of Critique in Teacher Education Classes.- Community-Building and Program Development go Hand-in-Hand: Teachers Educators Working Collaboratively.- Personal Links that Shape the Identity of Teacher Educators.- The Quest for Identity in Teaching and Teacher Education.- Identity Development, Moral Authority and the Teacher Educator.- Conclusion.- Using a Multi-Linked Conceptual Framework to Promote Quality Learning in a Teacher Education Program.

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