
eBook - 100 Devotions for Kids About God and Science, Indescribable Kids

Erschienen am 05.02.2019, 1. Auflage 2019
35,95 €
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E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781400216741
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 208 S.
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


JetBlue Chairman Joel Peterson provides the playbook for establishing and maintaining a culture of trust that breaks down the operational silos and CYA mentality that plague many organizations.Trust is the glue that holds an organization together. It turns deflection into transparency, suspicion into empowerment, and conflict into creativity. With it, a tiny company like John Deere grew into a worldwide leader. Without it, a giant corporation like Enron toppled.How does it feel to work for a firm where leaders and colleagues trust one another? Freed from micromanagement and rivalry, every employee contributes his or her best. Risk-taking and innovation become the norm. With compelling examples, JetBlue Chairman Joel Peterson details how to establish and maintain a culture of trust, including:Start with integrityInvest in respectEmpower everyoneRequire accountabilityCreate a winning visionKeep everyone informedBudget in line with expectationsEmbrace conflictForget ';you' to become an effective leaderThis fully expanded edition includes a powerful self-assessment tool for organizations to evaluate their culture of trust and discover areas for improvement. Peterson has also added rich new case studies and chapters on the theme of betrayal, including how to manage and guard against it.With The 10 Laws of Trust Expanded Edition in hand, you'll be able to plant the seeds of trustand reap the rewards of reputation, profits, and success.

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