Ultimate Comfort Bundle

eBook - Between Sisters, Secrets of a Happy Marriage and The Family Gift

Erschienen am 14.05.2020, 1. Auflage 2020
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781398700680
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


'Wise, warm, compassionate... like having a great gossip with your best friends' Marian KeyesBetween SistersMeet the women of Delaney Square . . .Cassie has spent her married life doing everything right, but it's left her so exhausted that 'wine o'clock' comes a little earlier each afternoon. Her sister Coco runs a vintage dress shop and has always shied away from commitment - until a face from her past returns. Then there's Elsa, the polished face of daytime TV. She's battled demons of her own in the past and come out on top, but her latest fight will require more bravery than anything which has come before.And watching over them is grandmother Pearl, tucked away in her little house in Delaney Square. But something is keeping her awake at night. Was she right to do what she did all those years ago..?Secrets of a Happy MarriageLove. Family. Happy ever after...? Recently married Bess should be blissfully happy, but as she plans a party for her husband, the cracks are beginning to show. Jojo, Bess's stepdaughter, has a point to make: Bess has swept into her father's life but she won't ever replace Jojo's late beloved mother. Cousin Cari is a strong career-woman who isn't unnerved by anything - apart from facing the man who left her at the altar - and he's on the guest list. As the party brings them all together, can the Brannigans discover the secrets of a happy marriage before it's too late?The Family Gift The greatest gift of all... Freya Abalone's life looks perfect from the outside: big family, dream career and a gorgeous new home. But she can't stop thinking that something is missing, that maybe she's not good enough... And now Freya's happy, blended family is about to be turned upside-down. For years Freya has raised her husband's daughter as her own, but now her glamorous, party-loving birth mother, Elisa, has crashed back into their lives. If there's one thing that Freya's sure of, it's that her family is the greatest gift of all - and when life gives you lemons, you throw them right back!

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